Grievance Process

IHSS Consumers, Providers and others interact directly with Public Authority staff for a variety of services. When a complaint is raised to staff by, or on behalf of, a Consumer or Provider, that staff person will obtain the facts and try to resolve the issue. If the complainant is not satisfied at that level, he or she will be directed to contact the Registry Program Manager, who will provide information on filing a Grievance:

If the Consumer or Provider is not satisfied at this level, the Registry Program Manager will inform them they have a right to submit a formal written grievance:

  1. Grievances must be submitted in writing as soon as possible after the initial complaint and that the Registry Program Manager will provide a Grievance Form. The form must be returned to the Program Manager whose contact information will be provided on the form.
  2. The Registry Program Manager will notify the Consumer or Provider within 5 working days that the grievance has been received and make an appointment to discuss formal resolution.
  3. In conjunction with the Deputy Director, the Registry Program Manager will develop and implement a plan for resolution within 30 business days of receiving the grievance from the consumer.
  4. If the Consumer or Provider is not satisfied with the actions taken by the Public Authority, they will be informed that they may refer the grievance to the IHSS Program Director.