Online Resource Library

Centro Latino de San Francisco Added on May 22, 2018

Address: 1656 15th Street San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: (415) 861-8758
Days & Hours: Monday- Saturday, 9:00 am- 3:00 pm

Centro Latino de San Francisco (CLSF) is a 501(c) non-profit and community-based organization owned and operated by the Latino Community, primarily serving the elderly, and adults with disabilities. Services offered include: on-site and home delivered meals serving freshly prepared nutritious meals
ESL (English as a Second Language Classes), citizenship classes and preparation for legal permanent residents, free computer classes for seniors and adults with disabilities, health care advocacy for uninsured participants, volunteer recruitment, training and skills development, information, referrals, and individualized assistance in gaining access to essential government benefits and other available public/private sector services, group van transportation services for frail and physically challenged individuals, recreational and educational activities, and cultural celebrations.

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