Online Resource Library
Always Active Program Added on May 21, 2018
Address: 225 30th Street, 3rd Floor • San Francisco, CA 94131
Phone: Luz Villanueva (415) 550-2265 or Sue Mittelman (415) 923-4482
Days & Hours: 40 classes offered Mondays-Fridays
The Always Active wellness program offers exercise classes and wellness plans for seniors. Participants follow a custom-designed plan that includes cardiovascular, strength training, flexibility and balance activities that can be done individually or in classes. The goals are to increase energy, strength and balance while helping participants reduce and prevent diseases such as cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. The wellness plan is designed by the participant, his or her doctor, and the wellness coordinator. To join, contact AA staff to obtain a physician’s release form. Have your physician fill it out and return the signed form to AA staff. You will then sign up with an AA staff and complete an enrollment and wellness consultation. Free for qualifying seniors. To view the seasonal schedule of classes offered, visit or call AA staff.