Message Regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) Posted on March 15, 2020
We want to let you know that we are continuing to monitor the development of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Things are changing rapidly as communities across the country increase measures to stop the virus from spreading. The Public Authority remains committed to supporting – and protecting – the health and wellness of San Franciscans.
At this time, IHSS Care Providers are still allowed and encouraged to work for their IHSS recipients, but using the utmost highest safety precautions while working. Please remember to wash your hands often, use gloves whenever possible, and practice social distancing (staying 6 feet away from others) as much as you can.
If you feel sick, or your Consumer feels sick, you should seek medical advice and attention. Please call your Consumer's IHSS social worker if you are unable to work, and they will work to find an appropriate plan of action.