Please Join Us in Congratulating Our Executive Director, Kel Posted on November 20, 2017
Kelly Dearman has been selected to participate in the sixth cohort of the Practice Change Leaders Program. The 2018 class of Practice Change Leaders for Aging and Health were selected from a highly competitive nationwide call for applications. Ten Leaders were selected to participate in this prestigious program, aimed at building leadership capacity among professionals who have a leadership role in a health care delivery organization, health-related institution, or community based organization with direct responsibility for care that impacts older adults. The Leaders will be joining a collegiate network of dedicated professionals who share a commitment to improving health and healthcare outcomes in older adults.
Kelly Dearman has chosen to implement a program called the In-Home Care Gap Solution- Outreach & Replication Project which is designed to broaden the scope and scale of the IP Plus program by reaching out to and partnering with transitional care and supportive housing facilities and hospitals to ensure that consumers who can and want to continue to live independently are given the option and support they need.
Congratulations Kelly!